Materials and methods. From January 2009 to May 2019, 26 open out of 233 adrenalectomies were performed in our Academic Department. Open adrenalectomy was performed by the anterior approach. A midline abdominal incision or a subcostal surgical incision was used to reach the peritoneal cavity. The resection was defined R0 if the margins of the sample were negative for malignancy.
Results. Open adrenalectomy was performed in 26 patients: 10 men and 16 women with a mean age of 61±25.3 years and a mean BMI of 28.4±2.9. The right adrenal gland was removed in 15 cases Romaand the left in 11 cases.We reported 18 diagnosis of malignant pathology. The other diagnosis concerned 5 cases of pheochromocytoma, 1 case of Cushing's disease and 2 cases of hyperaldosteronism. Mean tumor size was 7.7±5.5. Mean operative time was 160 min (range=110-205 minutes). Mean postoperative stay was 7±2 days. Only 3 (10%) patient showed postoperative grade II complications, according to Clavien-Dindo classification. Midline abdominal incision was used in 18 patients, subcostalsurgical incision in 5 patients and bilateral subcostal surgical incision in 3 patients. 3 right nephrectomy was necessary to remove the entire tumor mass. An en bloc R0 tumor resection was accomplished in all cases.There was no intra and perioperative mortality. All patients recovered well from surgery. The mean follow-up period was 15 (range=6-48) months.
Conclusion. In conclusion, our retrospective study points out the role of open adrenalectomy as the treatment of choice in selected cases with known or suspected malignant adrenal tumors and with size greater than 12 cm.">
Article | Il Giornale di Chirurgia
Aim. The aim of this retrospective evaluation is to assess the current role of open adrenalectomy, in particular in cases of adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC).
Materials and methods. From January 2009 to May 2019, 26 open out of 233 adrenalectomies were performed in our Academic Department. Open adrenalectomy was performed by the anterior approach. A midline abdominal incision or a subcostal surgical incision was used to reach the peritoneal cavity. The resection was defined R0 if the margins of the sample were negative for malignancy.
Results. Open adrenalectomy was performed in 26 patients: 10 men and 16 women with a mean age of 61±25.3 years and a mean BMI of 28.4±2.9. The right adrenal gland was removed in 15 cases
Romaand the left in 11 cases.We reported 18 diagnosis of malignant pathology. The other diagnosis concerned 5 cases of pheochromocytoma, 1 case of Cushing's disease and 2 cases of hyperaldosteronism. Mean tumor size was 7.7±5.5. Mean operative time was 160 min (range=110-205 minutes). Mean postoperative stay was 7±2 days. Only 3 (10%) patient showed postoperative grade II complications, according to Clavien-Dindo classification. Midline abdominal incision was used in 18 patients, subcostalsurgical incision in 5 patients and bilateral subcostal surgical incision in 3 patients. 3 right nephrectomy was necessary to remove the entire tumor mass. An en bloc R0 tumor resection was accomplished in all cases.There was no intra and perioperative mortality. All patients recovered well from surgery. The mean follow-up period was 15 (range=6-48) months.
Conclusion. In conclusion, our retrospective study points out the role of open adrenalectomy as the treatment of choice in selected cases with known or suspected malignant adrenal tumors and with size greater than 12 cm.
KEY WORDS: Open adrenalectomy - Adrenal gland - Surgery