English version: The ACG (Adjusted Clinical Groups) case-mix system is a classification method of diseases of patients, focused on the person. Depending on the pattern of these morbid conditions, the ACG system assigns each patient to a single group (an ACG group), which allows to capture the effects of a group of diseases in estimates of resource use. Diseases are classified into a diagnostic group (ADG) according to 5 clinical dimensions: duration (acute, recurrent or chronic), severity (minor/major vs stable / unstable), diagnostic assessment (symptoms vs diseases), etiology (infectious, traumatic or other), specialty (medical, surgical, obstetric, …). All diseases can be classified into these dimensions and into one of 32 groups. The ACG case-mix system uses an algorithm to classify each patient into one of 93 ACG categories. Each person is assigned to an ACG according to his ADG combination, his age and his gender. With the repayment system “case-mix”, surgery has become central for all great hospitals in virtue of its great productive potential. The case-mix index is one of the factors which influence the duration of hospitalization. The case-mix system has emphasized the importance of the duration of hospitalization, encouraging the planning of programs in order to discharge patients early after surgical operations. It has also stimulated the surgical activity in operating units with “budget” forecasts in which resources are provided according to an expected level of specialist surgery. ">
Article | Il Giornale di Chirurgia
Versione Italiana:
Il sistema ACG (Adjusted Clinical Groups) case-mix è un metodo di classificazione delle malattie dei pazienti centrato sulla persona. A seconda del pattern di queste condizioni morbose, il sistema ACG assegna ogni paziente ad un singolo gruppo (un gruppo ACG) che permette di catturare gli effetti di un gruppo di malattie in stime di impiego delle risorse.
Le malattie sono catalogate in un gruppo diagnostico (ADG) a seconda di 5 dimensioni cliniche: durata (acuta, ricorrente o cronica), severità (minore/stabile versus maggiore/instabile), accertamento diagnostico (sintomi versus malattie), etiologia (infettiva, traumatica o altro), specialità (medica, chirurgica, ostetrica, …). Tutte le malattie possono essere classificate entro queste dimensioni e catalogate in uno di 32 gruppi. Il sistema ACG case-mix usa un algoritmo per catalogare ogni paziente in una delle 93 ACG categorie. Ogni persona è assegnata a un ACG a seconda della propria combinazione di ADG, dell’età e del genere.
Con il sistema di rimborso “case-mix”, l’attività chirurgica è diventata centrale in tutti i grandi Ospedali in virtù del suo grande potenziale produttivo. L’indice di case-mix è uno dei fattori che influenzano la durata della degenza. Il sistema case-mix ha enfatizzato l’importanza della durata della degenza, incoraggiando la pianificazione di programmi finalizzati alla dimissione precoce dei pazienti dopo gli interventi chirurgici. Il sistema case-mix ha anche stimolato l’attività chirurgica in unità operative con previsioni di “budget” in cui le risorse vengono date in funzione di un previsto livello di chirurgia specialistica.
English version:
The ACG (Adjusted Clinical Groups) case-mix system is a classification method of diseases of patients, focused on the person. Depending on the pattern of these morbid conditions, the ACG system assigns each patient to a single group (an ACG group), which allows to capture the effects of a group of diseases in estimates of resource use.
Diseases are classified into a diagnostic group (ADG) according to 5 clinical dimensions: duration (acute, recurrent or chronic), severity (minor/major vs stable / unstable), diagnostic assessment (symptoms vs diseases), etiology (infectious, traumatic or other), specialty (medical, surgical, obstetric, …). All diseases can be classified into these dimensions and into one of 32 groups. The ACG case-mix system uses an algorithm to classify each patient into one of 93 ACG categories. Each person is assigned to an ACG according to his ADG combination, his age and his gender.
With the repayment system “case-mix”, surgery has become central for all great hospitals in virtue of its great productive potential. The case-mix index is one of the factors which influence the duration of hospitalization. The case-mix system has emphasized the importance of the duration of hospitalization, encouraging the planning of programs in order to discharge patients early after surgical operations. It has also stimulated the surgical activity in operating units with “budget” forecasts in which resources are provided according to an expected level of specialist surgery.