English version: Granular Cells Tumor (GCT), also called Abrikosoff tumor, is very uncommon lesion of neural derivation. It is characterized by the presence of granular cell; benign and malignamt counterparts are known, even if the second ones are rare. It has a slight predominance in female sex and black race; the age range is wide, with peak between fourth and sixth decades of life. Any localisation is possible, although surface lesions (head, neck, trunk, extremities) are far more common than visceral ones (esophagus, stomach, small and large bowel, larynx, bronchi, gallbladder and biliary tract). Surgical en-block excision is curative for both benign an malignant forms. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are not effective. We report the case of a 45 year old man who had a cytologic diagnosis of fusocellular stromal tumor of the gastric fundus during examination for gastritis. He underwent a wedge resection of the gastric wall: at the histological examination neoplastic cells had a granular cytoplasm and immunoassay was positive for S100 protein, PGP 9.5 and NSE. Complete excision guarantees from recurrence and metastases: however a long term endoscopic follow-up is necessary.">
Article | Il Giornale di Chirurgia
Versione Italiana:
Il tumore a cellule granulari, anche detto tumore di Abrikosoff, è una neoplasia rara di derivazione neurale. È caratterizzato dalla presenza di cellule granulari; sono conosciute forme a comportamento sia benigno che maligno, anche se queste ultime sono poco frequenti. Si presenta con una leggera predominanza nel sesso femminile e nella razza nera; lo spettro dell’età è ampio, con un picco tra la quarta e la sesta decade. Può localizzarsi in tutti gli epiteli, anche se le lesioni cutanee (testa, collo, tronco ed estremità) sono molto più frequenti di quelle viscerali (esofago, stomaco, intestino tenue, colon, laringe, bronchi, colecisti, vie biliari). L’exeresi chirurgica “en bloc” è terapeutica sia nelle forme benigne che nelle maligne. La chemioterapia e la radioterapia non sono efficaci.
Riportiamo il caso di un uomo di 45 anni al quale, a seguito di una esofagogastroduodenoscopia con biopsie effettuata per pirosi epigastrica, era stata posta diagnosi citopatologica di tumore stromale a cellule fusate del fondo gastrico. È stato sottoposto a resezione a losanga della parete gastrica. All’esame istologico le cellule presentavano granulazioni citoplasmatiche e l’esame immunoenzimatico dimostrava positività per proteina S100, PGP 9.5 e NSE.
L’escissione locale completa è sufficiente e scongiura il rischio di recidiva e metastasi: tuttavia è opportuno un follow-up endoscopico a lungo termine.
English version:
Granular Cells Tumor (GCT), also called Abrikosoff tumor, is very uncommon lesion of neural derivation. It is characterized by the presence of granular cell; benign and malignamt counterparts are known, even if the second ones are rare. It has a slight predominance in female sex and black race; the age range is wide, with peak between fourth and sixth decades of life. Any localisation is possible, although surface lesions (head, neck, trunk, extremities) are far more common than visceral ones (esophagus, stomach, small and large bowel, larynx, bronchi, gallbladder and biliary tract). Surgical en-block excision is curative for both benign an malignant forms. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are not effective.
We report the case of a 45 year old man who had a cytologic diagnosis of fusocellular stromal tumor of the gastric fundus during examination for gastritis. He underwent a wedge resection of the gastric wall: at the histological examination neoplastic cells had a granular cytoplasm and immunoassay was positive for S100 protein, PGP 9.5 and NSE.
Complete excision guarantees from recurrence and metastases: however a long term endoscopic follow-up is necessary.