English version: Angiomegaly is characterized by an alteration in the elastic component of arterial and venous vessels determining their elongation and tortuousness. This involves an increased risk of thromboembolism and aneurysmal degeneration in affected subjects, even if they have been asymptomatic for a long time. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the correlation between angiomegaly and aneurysmal disease. A total of 163 patients suffering from a peripheral arterial aneurysm were included, 74 of these with an iliac aneurysm, 41 with a femoral aneurysm and 48 suffering from popliteal aneurysm. All patients were examined by color Doppler ultrasonography (CDU) and angio-CT with contrast medium. Eighteen cases of arteriomegaly were diagnosed, and the prevalence in the examined population was 11%. This study demonstrates the close association existing between aneurysms in peripheral arteries and arteriomegaly. Peripheral arterial aneurysms in association with arteriomegaly involve an increased risk of complications like thrombosis, embolism and rupture. The showed familiarity in the arteriomegaly incidence leads to predisposition of screening programs, using CDU, among relatives of patients affected by arteriomegaly and/or peripheral arterial aneurysms.">
Article | Il Giornale di Chirurgia
Versione Italiana:
L’angiomegalia è caratterizzata da un'alterazione della componente elastica dei vasi arteriosi e venosi che determina allungamento e tortuosità di questi. Ciò comporta un aumentato rischio di tromboembolie e di degenerazione aneurismatica nei soggetti affetti, anche se asintomatici per un lungo periodo di tempo.
Il presente studio ha voluto dimostrare la correlazione tra angiomegalia e patologia aneurismatica. Sono stati inclusi 163 pazienti affetti da aneurisma arterioso periferico, di cui 74 da aneurisma iliaco, 41 da aneurisma femorale e 48 da aneurisma popliteo. Tutti i pazienti sono stati studiati con ecocolor-Doppler e con angio-TC con mezzo di contrasto. Sono stati diagnosticati 18 casi di arteriomegalia con una prevalenza nella popolazione in esame dell’11%.
Il presente studio dimostra la stretta associazione tra aneurismi delle arterie periferiche ed arteriomegalia. Gli aneurismi arteriosi periferici in associazione con l’arteriomegalia comportano un rischio più elevato di complicanze quali la trombosi, l’embolia e la rottura. La dimostrazione della familiarità nell’incidenza dell’arteriomegalia conduce alla predisposizione di programmi di screening mediante eco-color-Doppler dei familiari dei pazienti affetti da arteriomegalia e/o aneurismi arteriosi periferici.
English version:
Angiomegaly is characterized by an alteration in the elastic component of arterial and venous vessels determining their elongation and tortuousness. This involves an increased risk of thromboembolism and aneurysmal degeneration in affected subjects, even if they have been asymptomatic for a long time.
The aim of this study is to demonstrate the correlation between angiomegaly and aneurysmal disease. A total of 163 patients suffering from a peripheral arterial aneurysm were included, 74 of these with an iliac aneurysm, 41 with a femoral aneurysm and 48 suffering from popliteal aneurysm. All patients were examined by color Doppler ultrasonography (CDU) and angio-CT with contrast medium. Eighteen cases of arteriomegaly were diagnosed, and the prevalence in the examined population was 11%.
This study demonstrates the close association existing between aneurysms in peripheral arteries and arteriomegaly. Peripheral arterial aneurysms in association with arteriomegaly involve an increased risk of complications like thrombosis, embolism and rupture. The showed familiarity in the arteriomegaly incidence leads to predisposition of screening programs, using CDU, among relatives of patients affected by arteriomegaly and/or peripheral arterial aneurysms.